Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Big 2-1

As hopefully all of you know, Monday was my 21st birthday. I definitely wish I could've been surrounded by all of you people I love to celebrate, but it still managed to be a pretty great day.

I started celebrating on Sunday night at 9:00, because that was midnight in Eastern Standard Time, the timezone I was born in. It was then that I talked to Amanda and opened up the presents she had sent me. I got some pretty great things from her, including some of the best things Cincinnati has to offer, skyline chili and Montgomery Inn Barbecue sauce. She also gave me a Walt biography (there are so many) that I'm definitely looking forward to reading, and she got tickets for she and I to go to a taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live when she comes to visit over Spring Break. That should be pretty awesome. What are the chances of somebody really cool and famous being on the show when we go? Obviously Robin Williams or Amy Adams or somebody like that would be amazing. Regardless of who's on the show, it should be a blast. It won't take much to make me happy.

Monday morning I went into work to find a bottle of Jack Daniel's Whiskey with a bow on it sitting at my computer. Yep, my coworker Dave was the first to buy me alcohol. I had two shots during the day, and it wasn't as hard as I had expected it to be. In the afternoon it was birthday time, and we were celebrating the birthday of 4 of us. Mark's birthday is March 3rd too, Jason's was Sunday, and Todd's was Tuesday. The fact that I wasn't the only one being sung to made it a lot less embarrassing. I got a piece of m&m ice cream cake and everybody gave me a giant card, too. Here it is, in fact.

As you can see, somebody took my head, photoshopped me onto the body of a guy with a wicked shirt on, and put a beer in my hand. It's pretty funny. The caption's not bad either. Then everybody signed it. It's quite a momento. Most people just get regular cards. I think they had run out of cards for guys, though, so I got lucky and got something special.

For my birthday night, I didn't have any big plans and didn't need anything huge. I ended up going out with my roommate Rob to celebrate. We went out to Main Street in Santa Monica and went to a few bars. We went to some cool places, like an Irish pub called Finn McCool's and a pretty hip, modern place called the Circle Bar. Apparently on your 21st, most places give you free shots, so I had a few shots and beers and as I haven't drank before this after a little while was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol. Don't worry, I do remember everything that happened and I wasn't singing show tunes or anything by the end of the night (as much as I'm sure some of you would enjoy seeing that). For me though, it was definitely a night worthy of my turning 21.

All in all, the day was a lot of fun. I got a few phone calls from friends and family, and was checking facebook just about every 10 minutes. I really appreciate all of you who wished me happy birthday!

Obviously its pretty great when people personalize their birthday wishes, and one of my favorite facebook posts came from Andrew Jarrell. His post included some great lyrics from the musical "The Full Monty," that brought back lots of great memories (memories not related to the male nudity in the show, but rather how much fun it was when a bunch of us went over to ccm to see it.) Doug Schmaltz also had a great line saying "maybe you can wish for better taste in NFL teams." Obviously the actual content of the post isn't worth recognizing or debating with any Bengals fans, but I thought it was clever nonetheless. Finally, another of my favorites came in a facebook message from my friend Everett DeVries from sb2w, who wrote "Way to be alive. keep it up." Just because I didn't specifically mention your blog post here doesn't mean I didn't love and appreciate it, though. I'm sure I'm forgetting other fun ones.

I definitely got lots of great cards from friends and family, too. My parents sent me some amazing cookies, but their main gift was helping pay for Amanda and I to take our trip to Disneyland when she comes out.

Well, I think that really does cover all of my birthday. Like I told Steph, it just won't be my birthday without a trip to Max and Erma's for celebrating and a buffalo chicken sandwich, so you can bet at the start of Spring quarter there will be a Max & Erma's trip.

Well, kids, I really am missing the nati, although its definitely mostly the people that I miss. I can't wait for the coming quarter, and all of the amazing fun it will bring.

And man oh man, is Lost getting crazy and totally amazing or what?

Anyway, I hope you all have a great rest of the week!

much love,

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