Thursday, March 13, 2008

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Hey everybody, so the other day I was thinking about it, and I realized I've probably had more than 200 rides on buses in the last two and half months. That's a lot of bus rides! There aren't all that many left. Here's a small update about the real-life sitcom I've lived that I would probably call "Metro":

Most of the time when I don't make it to the bus stop as early as I'd like or when the bus takes a long time to come, at first I'm upset that I might not make it to work on time or that I won't get to do anything fun early in Hollywood, but usually I end up seeing fun people on these later buses or funny things happen.

This morning for instance...

I like riding the bus with the singing bus driver. Although everybody else thinks he's crazy, I get a kick out of it. We connected one day there was nobody on the bus when I got on and I asked him "where is everybody?" and he replied "I wish I knew!" Aside from "thanks" that's all we've spoken with each other, but he's a good guy.

I don't really like it when I ride the mean driver's bus. I'm glad he got over getting upset at people for using the front door and telling them to use the back door instead. He was doing that for a few days. I know I like using the front door so I can say thanks to the driver. Plus one time he kind of reprimanded me and got upset and told me to "come in" when there was a lady putting her coins in the machine that I didn't want to walk into. I haven't really liked that driver too much.

I didn't have either of those drivers this morning, but I did get on the bus this morning to find Mr. Dole sitting there, probably having already eaten many delicious fruits and ready for a great bike ride. I get a kick out of how Mr. Dole puts his helmet on his head inside the bus well before the bus actually gets to his stop. It's almost like he's saying "hey everybody, check out my helmet, it's covered in hundreds of fruit stickers...and it's awesome." Mr. Dole is a cool guy. If I get a chance again, I'd like to talk to him.

But anyway, the other fun part of the bus ride came on the second bus this morning. I got on and it was relatively crowded so I headed toward the back of the bus. I stood for a second and noticed a few people had open seats next to them, but they all had their bags sitting on them and stuff. Then this larger black woman lifted her bag and asked me if I wanted to sit there. I said thanks, and as I sat down the floor was slippery and I stepped on her toe. It wasn't like a full weight step onto her toe, but enough for me to feel bad. I apologized and then made a comment about how much of a jerk I was for stepping on her toe after she moved over to make space for me. She said it was no problem and that was that.

As I sat there, a few moments passed, and I realized I should have started up a conversation with the woman, after we had already talked a bit. Sure nobody talks to strangers on the bus, especially in the morning, but I realized I had missed a great opportunity to do it. I was bummed, and then became determined to wish her a nice day when she or I got off the bus.

As we neared the Santa Monica stop, I stood up ready to wish her a nice day, but then she stood up to get off as well. As I walked out the back door down the steps of the bus, the woman followed me, rather slowly so I was able to hold the door open for her. As she walked through it, she said to me, "Thank you....have a nice day!" I immediately smiled and couldn't help but happily laugh, knowing that I had been planning to wish her a nice day for the last few minutes, but she beat me to the punch. I wished her the same and walked away smiling, that simple encounter having made my day.

If there is one definite thing volunteering at Mosaic and my few Metro conversations have taught me, it's that strangers are amazing people, full of great stories and they are often happy to talk and open up. Regardless of how short or simple an interaction with a stranger is, there's just something awesome about making a new connection to another person. I will definitely remember that and seek out ways to see it work back in Cincinnati.

People are great.

Well I also have a bus related story about me solving the mystery of the Let's Go Person's gender, but that's going to have to wait for another post. It's getting late.

The one and only Debbie Ogle just got into LA a few hours ago, and she's here until Sunday. She's asleep right now, being that its 3 in the morning EST. It's great to see her and we'll be able to do some fun things so I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend.

As for all of you UC kids, don't stress about finals. In the immortal words of Dave the Pharmacist, "School is for saps."

I hope the quarters of co-op and school are winding down well for all of you!

Until next time.

much love,

1 comment:

Thoughts From Behind the Counter said...


Thanks for the mention...Let's not forget the famous "How's the herpes?.

Tell Deb I said Hi and that she's hot.


PS. Hail to Pitt!