Saturday, January 12, 2008

Oh, how the Adventure continues...

So it turns out it wasn't sunburn.

That's right, wednesday night after I had posted about my face being red, I noticed that I had been very itchy and that my itching had made for a bit of a rash on my stomach.  Then, thursday morning, I woke up and I was covered in a huge rash.  It was the worst on my face, neck, and chest, where essentially every inch was red, and on my stomach, shoulders, and arms I  had small chicken pox-like blisters.  

It looked gross, so I went to the pharmacist and she told me to go to a clinic and get a shot, so I was thinking about doing that.  I didn't really want to go to a clinic for a shot, though, so I was calling my parents and one of them talked to Dave the pharmacist.  (Shout-out implied)  So I told Dave what was up, and he was able to help me and tell me what he thought it was and what I needed to do.  

So yesterday during work I did go to a clinic in Hollywood.  And by a clinic in Hollywood, everybody needs to know that nothing everything in Hollywood proper is glitzy and glamorous, far from it actually, and the Citizens Medical Group Clinic was not.  It definitely wasn't bad, I didn't see any bugs or feel unsafe or anything and all the people were very nice.  I only had to wait like 15 minutes or so, too, so that was good.  Anyway, I talked to the doctor and showed him my stomach (which had gotten worse by this time.  I have a picture of it, but you definitely don't want to see it here. It looks like it should be in a Health Book scaring you about the dangers of STD's, which I am positive I do not have).  The doctor told me it looked like an adverse reaction to a medication like penicillin, but I told him I didn't remember starting any new medication recently.  He was a little confused, but they drew some blood, had me pee in a cup (which wasn't easy since I went to the bathroom when I got there), gave me a shot in the butt, and gave me a prescription for pills and a cream to put on the rashes.    

Last night I was talking to Amanda about what the doctor told me (on our webcams that I got us for christmas!) and she reminded me that Mom had given me Amoxicillin to take last weekend while I was traveling because my throat and ear were hurting.  They were pretty big doses, but when I talked to Dave about it this morning, he said they weren't big enough doses to be considered an overdose, but that the Amoxicillin probably was the culprit.  It might've reacted with the different sun conditions out here some how or something, but for now I will be avoiding Amoxicillin like the plague.  To give you a better idea of what I look like, if I was a superhero, I could be considered "Rash-Man" and I wouldn't even need to wear any kind of a spandex superhero shirt, because the rash spreads just about everywhere a shirt would go.

Sorry if that last sentence was weird.  Anyway, I'm glad it was a medication, because the day the rash started we had Indian food catered for free at work and I was afraid that was what I had reacted too.  I'll still be careful around it, but now I don't need to worry as much.  

Waking up this morning, my face is getting back to normal, and slowly but surely I think the rash everywhere else is getting better, too.  Hopefully by the end of the weekend we'll se dramatic improvements.  

Anyway, I'm going to go for a little run on this amazing Southern California morning.  I'm definitely headed to Hollywood for fun today, maybe I'll make it to Venice or Santa Monica Beach, too.  I hope everybody is doing well.  Here's a shout-out to Evan, since he commented on my last post, and I like it when people do that, you should too.  

Take it easy everyone.   Hope you have great weekends!
much love,


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