Friday, February 1, 2008

Morning in Hollywood

Friday at last. And check out this day!

Here's a shot from right in front of Target this morning. I ran in to grab some extra darts for Tasha and I's maverick Nerf guns. It's supposed to storm Saturday night and Sunday, but next week its going to be getting back up into the low 70s, so that should be amazing. Still, this morning was classic sunny Southern California.

Yesterday as I was waiting for the bus at the transfer stop, a bus came by, but it was packed, and I had some time so I waited for the next one. Unfortunately the next one took like 20 minutes to come, which was extremely frustrating and pissed me off. Luckily, my spirits were lifted when I looked over and noticed that the old Japanese man from Mexico was waiting for the bus, too (see the earlier post). I didn't talk to him this time, but I was still very happy to run into him again.

A bus came after like 20 minutes, but it was absolutely full, so again I waited. Luckily, very soon after another bus came without many people on it so I got on. When I got on, I was thrilled to find the best bus driver yet. He said good morning to everybody that got on and was just having fun driving the bus. At one point, the "stop requested" recording didn't play, so he said it himself with the same intonation and reflection as the recording, "Stop Requested...please use rear exit." It just about made my day.

Then when it was my stop, I wanted to get off at the front door because I wanted to say thanks to the driver. But an older man was slowly getting off in front, and I didn't want to waste too much time, so I went to the back door. The driver hadn't unlocked the door though, so I had to ask the driver to open the back door. He said "Sorry, I didn't see you there. Have a great day!" I said no problem and thanks and got off the bus. Even though it was already 9:30 (when my work day starts) I didn't care because being late had made for fun times.

This was a pretty fun week. I got a nerf gun to defend myself when Tasha (one of my superiors) comes around and shoots at me with her nerf gun. I kept it hidden in my desk for three days until I was provoked.

Every day that goes by my coworkers discover a little bit more about me. Dave, who I sit next to, decided to look at my iPod the other day and laughed his way through the whole thing. He and another guy, Jason, have loved reading my blog, and make fun of me for it pretty often. Don't worry, though, it won't change this blog.

Things are really good here. My coworkers are a lot of fun and although I take my share of crap for being an intern, they have made me feel welcome. Although Dave and Jason make fun of me for saying so, I do think Crew is a great place.

I hope everybody caught Lost last night! It was pretty awesome. Who are the Oceanic Six? I won't give too much away to anybody that hasn't seen it and wants to. If you're not a lost fan, I'm pretty sure you can watch all 3 seasons on Check it out, get caught up.....and find yourself. These are supposed to be the greatest 8 episodes yet, and I think we're very quickly seeing why.

I also caught the premiere of the new show Eli Stone, after Lost on abc last night. It was a lot of fun. It has a lot of great stuff with some comedy, drama, fantasy, heart, and a whole lot of faith. It's pretty funny seeing George Michael, and I think he'll do more in future episodes. Check it out (also on

As for this weekend, I don't know what I'm going to be doing. I might go to tar pits or the zoo or something. As for the Super Bowl, I'll doubt I'll do anything huge, aside from watching it and hoping somehow the Patriots lose.

And now I leave you with this picture I took this morning on my walk to the office. I walked by, thought about it, turned around and went back and took a picture of this license plate, because on a day like this, who isn't?

I'm extremely jealous of everybody going to Punxsutawney tonight. I wish I could go with you guys, but I'll look forward to the stories. Have a great time!

I hope everybody else has a great weekend, too!

much love,


Aaron said...

i can't even describe how much my heart jumped when i saw that first picture. I long for that weather here. To bad i'm in ohio. I'm pretty much finished with winter and CANNOT wait until spring. exciting post, as always.

Allan said...

For once, Alex, I think we'll be cheering for the same football team. My Packers lost last week, but in a way I'm glad because it takes the stress out of Sunday's game. I'm holding out hope for the Giants, though. I think we should have a national day of prayer to ask for a New England loss.

Ok, that's probably a bit dramatic, but it would be fantastic to see them lose. I hate how everyone has just forgotten about the cheating at the start of the season and now just talks about how great the team is. Under different circumstances, I might actually hope they complete a perfect season, just because of what an accomplishment it would be, but success without scruples is still failure. There, now I've written a motivational poster. We can hang that next to your index card mosaic. : )