Thursday, January 3, 2008

T-minus 10, 9, 8...

Alright, so tomorrow is the big day and I'm counting down until my flight tomorrow morning.  Today should be a fun day of doing a little shopping and finishing packing.  

It's crazy to be going to Los Angeles and there really is so much that I want to do there.  Here is my list of things I need to do and things I want to do my best to do.

While in LA I must:
1. Walk the Hollywood Walk of Fame (might not actually be all that exciting, but I'll do it nonetheless)
2. See movies at the following movie houses - Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Grauman's Egyptian Theatre, The El Capitan Theatre.
3. Tour as many studio lots as possible, but definitely Universal Studios.  
4. Visit the gate of the Disney lot, sneak in if possible.  See Michael Grave's Michael D. Eisner Building (Team Disney Burbank)
5. Run in slow motion on a California Beach
6. Visit Disneyland

If possible, I want to:
1. See a performance at Frank Gehry's amazing Walt Disney Concert Hall
2. See a cool concert or sporting event at the Staples Center.  

Those are all the big things I've been thinking of.  There are probably many more that I'm forgetting.  

Well, the next three months will be pretty crazy.  Probably for the first time in my life, I really will be totally on my own.  I mean, I've got a roommate and there will be a few people in town that I know, but I'll be living by myself in a city I've never been to.  That's scary, but it's very exciting, too.  I'm going to learn a lot about myself.  I just can't wait.  

The next time I post, I'll be on the opposite side of the country.  Wow.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

How exciting! When I read your blog, I feel like I'm right there with you, seeing the things you see, hearing the things you hear. Keep up the good work. Have a wonderful trip!